Gender. Simulation. About 30-60 minutes. Dialogue on the different vulnerabilities of women and men facing climate variability and change. Decision-making training.
Disaster management. Storytelling. About 30-60 minutes. Storytelling as a way of approaching disaster management and process of decision-making. Educating decision-making in face of the disaster.
Climate change. Online game. About 30-60 minutes. This scenario testing model allows you to play around with different pathways to 2050. Low carbon future scenario testing, understanding climate change mitigation impacts.
Disaster management. Board game. 30-60 minutes. Insight into the tensions that play a role in flood risk management by having them experience some of those tensions.
Water control. 1-2 hours.Flood- Wise is a simulation game about the transboundary flood risk. Issues that may arise if transboundary flood risks need to be managed.
Disaster management. 1-2 hours. In Extreme Event Game players must work together to help their neighbors stay safe and send resources where they are needed most.
Urban waste management. 2 hours and more. Urban waste management and its impact on water control. Education in urban waste management in context of climate change.
Disaster management. Charade. 1-2 hours. In this game teams of players are given a limited time to create and perform a skit conveying a specific topic or problem.
Disaster risk.1-2 hours. Become donors or subsistence farmers and face changing risks. Decision making under uncertainty, role of donors in humanitarian work.
Disaster risk. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Take on a role of a subsistence farmer who has to choose to prepare for flood or for drought. The game is a great tool for training.
Disaster management. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Disaster drill based on the know-how of the Commanding Post Exercises of the JSDF, it uses maps and transparent overlay.
Disaster management. 1-2 hours. Participants, split up into groups, are given a series of weather forecasts laid out at 10 days, 48 hours, and 12-hour intervals.