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G4S platform is run by the Centre for Systems Solutions, an NGO with 12-year experience in development and application of system tools, such as social simulations and computer modelling. Games4Sustainability is our non-profit project, currently 100% financed from our own budget. The money coming from donations will be used for creating additional articles and Gamepedia entries and the further technical development of the platform.
How can you help?
Make a donation
The money coming from donations will be used for creating additional articles and Gamepedia entries and the further technical development of the platform.
Your support means a lot!
Write a contribution to our blog
Did you use simulations or games for sustainability education or promotion? Share your story with the G4S community! You will not only have a chance to tell more about your experience but also help us with developing our platform.
If you want to write a piece for the G4S blog, please send us a message with the topic proposition at
Thank you!