Before playing the game, facilitators should give out “You are a Mosquito” cards to some people in order to seed the conference with Mosquito players.
Mosquitoes are the players who spread awareness of the game to new players. Their goal is to bite people to create new eggs, and spread more Mosquitoes.
A Human is any attendee of the conference who is not a Mosquito. To bite a Human, a Mosquito should hand them a Bitten! card, and write the bitten Human’s name or initials on their Egg! card.
A Human cannot be bitten if they are already bitten. Everyone at the conference is a Human, and so they are playing Bitten! without even knowing it.
Medics take the Bitten! card from infected Human players and give them two Cure/Clean Up cards.
Players who are Mosquitoes score points by biting humans to fill up their Egg! cards. Each Egg! card that is filled and turned in scores 5 points for the Mosquitoes.
Players who are humans score points by joining together to clear out Breeding Grounds. Each Breeding Ground that is Cleared out by two humans scores 10 points for the Humans.
From the previous years of United Nations Federation for Climate Change, it was noticed that delegates, representatives and general participants rarely interacted outside of their parent organizations.
Target group
Players learn to collaborate.
Players understand thedifficulties and dangers connected to the mosquito problem.
Created by
Number of players
Number of moderators
Bitten! game kit
Technical requirements
The game’s score should be posted to Twitter each time one team scores.