A Common Dilemma game is created and conducted by the Moderator. This user has total control of the game and its parameters. Moderator creates the instance of the game and invites players to join it.
Players do not require an account to play the game – login details are delivered to them with an invitation.
In the game players will become members of the community and they will be able to make decisions about harvesting the common-pool resource. Each player revenue comes from his/her own decisions, but the costs depend on actions of the whole community.
Players can choose how much of the resource they want to harvest.
Their income depends on both their own decision and a decision of other members of the community.
They can choose whether they concentrate on their own payoff or want to cooperate to improve the wealth of the whole group.
Common goods
Target group
The game engages the players emotionally as the fate of the community is in their hands. They can choose between competition and cooperation and their decisions will impact both their income and income of the whole group.
The application was designed to convey complex theory behind the dilemma of common-pool resources by playing the game. It is based on theoretical framework and experiments connected with this problem.
The players have the opportunity to experience the problem and test various scenarios, learning by observing the results of their own actions.
The free registration gives you access to games platform. You are able to instantly use two games about resources governance: Forest Rules and A Common Dilemma.
Best played with Chrom web-browser.
Created by
Number of players
Number of moderators
Technical requirements
computer with web connection
best with Chrome web-browser