The PHUSICOS NBS simulation represents a fictional setting (PHUSICOS region) at risk from extreme weather events and in which different stakeholder groups are represented.
Reduced Inequalities. Mobile game. 2 hours and more. Help a fictional Syrian migrant through an online chat as she flees Syria and tries to reach Europe.
Climate change. Democracy. Online game. More than 2 hours. New Shores is an multiplayer game that takes players on a quest to settle on a green island.
Society and environment. Online game. 2 hours and more. Build a civilization in a simulated ecosystem. Education about environmental impact and collaboration.
Sustainable Consumption and Production. PC and Mac. 1-2hours. McDonald’s Videogame shows players that food-focused corporations’ negative impact on modern society, environment and health is born from rising demand for products created by consumers themselves.
Water. Refugees. Flash game. 15-30 minutes. Darfur is Dying is a narrative-based simulation game, where player takes a role of a displaced Darfurian living in a refugee camp.
Water. Water pollution. Flash game. 30-60 minutes. During the games, users will learn how lake health is closely related to the concentration of the nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen in the water.