
Do you want to use a sustainability-themed game in your activities?

Find a perfect match for your needs from among 100+ games and simulations.

Narrow your search by filtering the games by the UN Sustainable Development Goals or use the advanced search for more options.


Do you want to use a sustainability-themed game in your activities?

Find a perfect match for your needs from among 100+ games and simulations.

Narrow your search by filtering the games by the UN Sustainable Development Goals or use the advanced search for more options.



Climate change. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Upstream-Downstream focuses on climate-related information in decision-making at the community level. Decision-making training.


Climate and Gender game

Gender. Simulation. About 30-60 minutes. Dialogue on the different vulnerabilities of women and men facing climate variability and change. Decision-making training.


Story Go Round

Disaster management. Storytelling. About 30-60 minutes. Storytelling as a way of approaching disaster management and process of decision-making. Educating decision-making in face of the disaster.

stop disasters

Stop Disasters!

Disaster management. PC game. About 15-30 minutes. Plan and construct a safer environment, assess the disaster risk for the environmental disaster hazards, while attempting to limit the damage when natural hazards strike. Children education on disaster management.


Information meeting about evacuation plan Greenwood

Disaster management. Simulation. About 30-60 minutes. Process of evacuation and the preparation of an evacuation, without having to read all the information on the subject individually. Children education in extreme event preparations.



Disaster preparedness. Simulation. About 30-60 minutes. Topic of disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction in a real-case scenarios.

Plan it Green!

Plan It Green: The Big Switch

Environmental policy. Online game. About 15-30 minutes. Design and create your own energy-efficient city of the future.

My sust house

My Sust House Games

Enivironmental policy. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Different aspects of sustainable house development and sustainable town plan­ning. Materials for children education.


My 2050

Global warming. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Choose between different technologies and policy options, from increasing solar power and reducing the use of coal, to asking the citizens to simply turn down the central heating. Educational material in schools, universities.



Disaster management. Board game. About 30-60 minutes. The role disaster risk management plays in a nation’s development. Materials for conferences, for students.



Energy policy. Flash game. About 30-60 minutes. experiment with different technologies and ideas about the city development and energy production. Educational material for children and students.

Global Calculator

Global Calculator

Climate change. Online game. About 30-60 minutes. This scenario testing model allows you to play around with different pathways to 2050. Low carbon future scenario testing, understanding climate change mitigation impacts.