Money laundering. PC game. 1-2 hours. Serious game about money laundering and what role it plays in problems such as financial crime. Training the staff of financial institutions.
Environmental policy. Board game. 2 hours and more. Environmental and social influence on the regional economy and economy as a whole. Training in cooperation.
Climate policy. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Make individual and collective decisions, with consequences as Red Cross Red Cresent workers who face changing risks. The game illustrates potential and limitations of seasonal forecasts for the humanitarian sector.
Climate change. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Decision making team game which actively encourages in depth discussion about the uncertainty of weather forecasts and future projected climate change. Materials for schools and universities or training for NGOs employees.
Disaster management. Storytelling. About 30-60 minutes. Storytelling as a way of approaching disaster management and process of decision-making. Educating decision-making in face of the disaster.
Global warming. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Choose between different technologies and policy options, from increasing solar power and reducing the use of coal, to asking the citizens to simply turn down the central heating. Educational material in schools, universities.
Climate change. Online game. About 30-60 minutes. This scenario testing model allows you to play around with different pathways to 2050. Low carbon future scenario testing, understanding climate change mitigation impacts.
Urban waste management. 2 hours and more. Urban waste management and its impact on water control. Education in urban waste management in context of climate change.