Climate change. Democracy. Online game. More than 2 hours. New Shores is an multiplayer game that takes players on a quest to settle on a green island.
Social simulation. 5-6 hours. 11-44 players. THE WORLD’S FUTURE game is an interactive role-playing simulation game which enables players to face the great challenges of our time.
Society and environment. Online game. 2 hours and more. Build a civilization in a simulated ecosystem. Education about environmental impact and collaboration.
Sustainable city building. Flash game. 15-30 min. Build your own city, avoid environmental pollution and reflect on the impact on the climate. Education about urban climate for teenagers and young adults.
Cities and communities. Simulation. Floods and Culture. 1-2 hours. Gifts of Culture is a board game role-playing simulation of a diverse cultural community. It allows players to experience how cultural differences can lead to troubles but at the same time they can also be helpful.
Water and Sanitation. Board game. Role-playing game. 2 hours and more. Experience, explore, and learn about the flood risk and resilience of communities in river valleys.
Sustainable Consumption and Production. PC and Mac. 1-2hours. McDonald’s Videogame shows players that food-focused corporations’ negative impact on modern society, environment and health is born from rising demand for products created by consumers themselves.
Water. Water pollution. Flash game. 30-60 minutes. During the games, users will learn how lake health is closely related to the concentration of the nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen in the water.