Players take on different roles: City Councilor, Developer, Community Activist, City Planning Employee, Man-On-The-Street, Academic Urban Theorist, Resident of Existing Development to be Demolished, Mayor, Random, Federal Politician, Skyscraper Enthusiast, Garbage Man.
The round starts with Mayor’s move. Mayor later decides who will go next
Each player, starting with the Mayor, spins the Decision Engine Wheel at the start of his or her turn. Player has to follow the instructions connected to the outcome of spinning.
The wheel can stop at one of those icons: Condominium, Commercial Building, Public Housing, School, Bulldozer, Park, Planning Directive.
The game will come to an end naturally when all players leave the game to pursue different goals.
The game concerns all the things that can be done during the creation or renewal city.
Target group
Players understand various problems connected to the urban renewal.
Players learn about different groups of interests.
Players train their decision-making skills.
Players participate in urban management and understand dangers associated with being disconnected from other groups of interests.
Created by
Number of players
Number of moderators
The Game of Urban Renewal kit