Portuguese Archives - Games4Sustainability https://games4sustainability.org Teaching, Learning and Practicing Sustainability Through Serious Games Tue, 14 Dec 2021 14:15:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.8 https://games4sustainability.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/G4S_favicon.png Portuguese Archives - Games4Sustainability https://games4sustainability.org 32 32 Go Goals! https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/go-goals/ https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/go-goals/#respond Thu, 12 Jul 2018 10:17:58 +0000 https://games4sustainability.org/?post_type=gamepedia&p=8102 Sustainable Development Goals. Board Game. 30-60 min. Go Goals! helps children understand the Sustainable Development Goals impact their lives.

The post Go Goals! appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post Go Goals! appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/go-goals/feed/ 0
McDonald’s Video Game https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/mcdonalds-video-game/ https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/mcdonalds-video-game/#respond Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:17:02 +0000 http://www.games4sustainability.org/?post_type=gamepedia&p=4201 Sustainable Consumption and Production. PC and Mac. 1-2hours. McDonald’s Videogame shows players that food-focused corporations' negative impact on modern society, environment and health is born from rising demand for products created by consumers themselves.

The post McDonald’s Video Game appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post McDonald’s Video Game appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/mcdonalds-video-game/feed/ 0
Nomic https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/nomic/ https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/nomic/#respond Fri, 13 Nov 2015 12:15:25 +0000 http://www.games4sustainability.org/?post_type=gamepedia&p=3406 Decision-making. Dice game. 2 hours and more. Game about creating your own rules. Training in management, decision making process, legal reasoning, legaslative drafting.

The post Nomic appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post Nomic appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/nomic/feed/ 0
ECONOMIA https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/economia/ https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/economia/#comments Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:46:51 +0000 https://games4sustainability.com/?post_type=gamepedia&p=2788 Monetary policy. PC game. About 15-30 minutes. Take part in the monetary policy making process. Education in monetary policy.

The post ECONOMIA appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post ECONOMIA appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/economia/feed/ 2
HERE COMES TROIKA https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/here-comes-troika/ https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/here-comes-troika/#respond Mon, 12 Oct 2015 15:38:56 +0000 https://games4sustainability.com/?post_type=gamepedia&p=2284 Shadow dynamics. Card game. About 30-60 minutes. Satire on dynamics of power and power abuse in democratic country politics. Lessons on the importance of money in the contemporary politics.

The post HERE COMES TROIKA appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post HERE COMES TROIKA appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/here-comes-troika/feed/ 0
Global Calculator https://games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/global-calculator/ Sat, 15 Aug 2015 13:45:03 +0000 https://games4sustainability.com/?post_type=gamepedia&p=1400 Climate change. Online game. About 30-60 minutes. This scenario testing model allows you to play around with different pathways to 2050. Low carbon future scenario testing, understanding climate change mitigation impacts.

The post Global Calculator appeared first on Games4Sustainability.

The post Global Calculator appeared first on Games4Sustainability.
